NewslettersThe HTF publishes a quarterly newsletter, 'News'. Listed below is a brief description of the content of each of the most recent copies of 'News'. Click on the date of issue to read the issue.
NEW IN 2017 The Association of Small Historic Towns and Villages in the UK (ASHTAV) joined forces in 2016 with the Historic Towns Forum (HTF) to become today's Historic Towns and Villages Forum (HTVF). See our new website for more details about our plans and activities. As previously announced, past issues of ASHTAV's extensive collection of journals from 1997-2016 are now available from
2014August 2014 In this issue: Updates on Planning, Localism, Conservation, Tourism, Events, Funding, Toolkits, Consultations and more June 2014 In this issue: Updates on Planning, Localism, Conservation, Tourism, Events, Funding, Toolkits, Consultations and more April 2014 In this issue: Updates on Planning, Localism, Conservation, Tourism, Events, Funding, Toolkits, Consultations and more February 2014 In this issue: Updates on Planning, Localism, Conservation, Tourism, Events, Funding, Toolkits, Consultations and more 2013December 2013 In this issue: Updates on Planning, Localism, Conservation, Tourism, Events, Funding, Toolkits, Consultations and more September 2013 In this issue: Updates on Planning, Localism, Conservation, Tourism, Events, Funding, Toolkits, Consultations and more May 2013 In this issue: Updates on Planning, Localism, Conservation, Tourism, Events, Funding, Toolkits, Consultations and more2012August 2012 In this issue: Updates on Localism, Tourism, High Streets, Events, Toolkits, Consultations and more April 2012 In this issue: Updates on Localism, Tourism, High Streets, Events, Toolkits, Consultations and more February 2012 In this issue: Updates on Localism, Tourism, High Streets, Events, Toolkits, Consultations and more 2011December 2011 In this issue: Portas Review, Penfold Review, NPPF update, National Tourism Conference, Community assets, New guidance, Events and more November 2011 In this issue: Localism Bill, National Planning Policy Framework (NPPF), Local Enterprise Partnerships (LEPs), Tourism funding, Legacy 10, HTF Planning intern and volunteers, heritage protection, Talk with the Chief - City of York Council, funding, consultations, book review and much more ... September 2011 In this issue: NPPF, Riot compensation, Mary Portas' High Street Review, Heritage and Localism, Talk with the Chief - St Edmundsbury Borough Council, Grants, Events, Consultations and much more ... June 2011 In this issue: Localism update, Neighbourhood Planning, tourism challenges, C02 emissions reasearch, engaging with LEPs, HTF photo competition, events, publication reviews and offers and much more ... April 2011 In this issue: Budget response, Regional Growth Fund, HTF Events, Civic Societies and Localism, Localism updates, Neighbourhood Planning updates, Heritage at Risk research, publication reviews and offers and much more ... February 2011 In this issue: Localism, Purple Flag, LEPs, Historic Environment (Amendment) (Scotland) Bill, free publications and much more ... 2010December 2010 In this issue: Forthcoming events, the New Director, CSR, LEPs, DCMS, CABE, Regional Growth Fund, Charter for Community Engagement and much more ... September 2010 In this issue: Forthcoming events, a review of Government consultations, details of partnership working, the New Director, the Photo Competition and much more ... May 2010 In this issue: Guidance on PPS5, Managing Growth, Conservation Area Awareness, Book Reviews, Heritage Connect in Lincoln, Calendar Photo Competition and much more ... March 2010 In this issue: PPS15 - where are we now? 2010 programme of projects and events, IPC, The Historic Core Zones Model remains a good one!, Managing Heritage Assets for Added Value, Park & Ride Survey Update, Special Offers for HTF Members and much more ... 2009December 2009 In this issue: Membership Benefits, Managing Heritage Assets for Added Value, How to: Write Conservation Reports, Planning and Protection for Quality Places, PPS15 – where are we now?, Book Reviews and much more... September 2009 In this issue: Annual Conference update, New Chair update, CAAR Project, Park and Ride Guidance, Smarter Growth, PPS4, PPS15, HEREC and much more... June 2009 In this issue: Retail development and Parking and Park and Ride Conference reports, HTF in Republic of Ireland, RPS findings on the Effectiveness & Sustainability of Park & Ride and much more... April 2009 In this issue: Sustainability and Park & Ride, housing growth, retail develoment, HTF opens up its Membership to include Scotland, Wales, Republic of Ireland and Northern Ireland, Conservation Areas at Risk and much more... February 2009 In this issue: HTF events for 2009, Heritage Protection or Townscape in Trouble, More intelligence on Park and Ride, Future Retail Development - shops half full or half empty and much more...
2008December 2008 In this issue: The Townscape Challenge, The Use of Article 4 Directions, New Executive Committee, Opening the Membership in 2009, New Membership Fees for 2009, The Forum's programme for 2009 and much more... September 2008 In this issue:Information about our forthcoming Annual Conference in Lichfield, the topic of which is: Townscape in Focus: Challenges and Opportunities, Townscape Challenges: Article 4, Townscape issues, Morecambe conference report, a report on the Netherlands Study tour and much more... June 2008 - In this issue:Tourism articles covering a range of subjects in advance of the Morecambe Conference, report from the Designing for Movement conference in Durham, Last chance to enter the photograph competition and much more... April 2008 - In this issue:Tranport articles covering a range of subjects including; parking challenges, pricing problems and park and ride solutions - in advance of the Durham Conference, book review, report from the Retail development conference in Exeter, 'WIN a weekend at the Midland Hotel in Morecambe' - photograph competition, an update on the programme of work for 2008 and much more... February 2008 - In this issue: Retail articles on Princesshay in advance of the Exeter Conference, 'WIN a weekend at the Midland Hotel in Morecambe' - photograph competition, book reviews, details of the study tour to the Netherlands, An update on the programme of work for 2008 and much more...
2007December 2007 - In this issue: A full report on the Annual Conference and AGM held in Newcastle, New Executive Committee, Chester wins Prestigious IRU City Trophy, An update on the programme of work for 2008 and much more... September 2007 - In this issue: forthcoming Annual Conference and AGM - Maximising the value of indstrial heritage in historic towns: restoration, regeneration & reuse, Our industrial heritage - is the legacy at risk?, Industrial heritage in historic towns - the European experience, Programme of work for 2008 and much more... July 2007 - In this issue: best value or not, Streetscape articles, Bristol conference report, and much more... 2006December 2006 - In this issue: Bury St Edmunds conference report, A Sustainability Model - Improving quality of life, Ludlow wins the Academy of Urbanism 'Great Town' award, AGM report and new executive committee, 2007 programme of events and much more... October 2006 - In this issue: No more signs and lines! - an article about over use of signs and lines, Demands for Development in historic towns, Identity, Diversity and Tourism, the Website continues to expand, plans for our 20th anniversary celebrations and much more... August 2006 20 - In this issue: forthcoming Annual Conference, Conference reports from Stratford-upon-Avon and Cirencester (waterways and housing growth), Urbanism awards, feature town: Cambridge and much much more... June 2006 - In this issue: Her Majesty the Queen opens Oxford Castle, City Walls seminar report, Managing housing growth in historic towns, Tourism news, Training seminars reach 300 around the regions and much much more... April 2006 - In this issue: Forthcoming seminars 'Making the most of heritage assets, Management and maintenance of city walls' and 'Making the most of heritage assets, Waterways in historic towns', new Tourism guidance publication, Conservation Training Seminars, report from the Strategy meeting and much much more... February 2006 - In this issue: Training Seminar Series: EHTF offers support for BVPI requirements, BBC news report, Conference report: Making retail led regeneration work in historic towns, East Midlands Design Review Panel establishes and much much more... 2005November 2005 - NEW LOOK NEWSLETTER containing: Conference Report 'Transportation and the Historic Public Realm', INHERIT European Symposium, Housing Growth in Sustainable Historic Towns, A New National Strategy (English Heritage) and much much more... May 2005 - In this issue: Forthcoming conference: 'Using heritage & cultural assets in regeneration', Conference Report: 'Retail led regeneration in historic towns' - Birmingham, Our new partnership with The Prince's Foundation, Members' News, Conference Report: 'Focus on... Managing Rapid Growth in historic towns', Tourism & Conservation Issues, HELM 'Informed Decision Making' Seminars Report, Europe: EAHTR News, and much much more... 2004December 2004 - In this issue: Speed vs Quality - determining planning applications in historic towns, conference report: 'Modern Spaces - Historic Places', publication launched: 'Investing in Heritage' October 2004 - In this issue: Buxton outcomes, Historic streets trashed, planning, retail and tourism issues, 'Building Confidence in High Quality Design' CD Rom released and much much more... August 2004 - In this issue: Slovenian Study Tour report, seminar report: 'Focus on... regeneration through public buildings and spaces', 'Focus on... managing rapid growth in historic towns', Tourism and Planning issues and much much more... June 2004 - In this issue: Conference reports from: 'Building Confidence in High Quality Design' seminars & 'Focus on... Local Identity', Tourism Issues and much much more... |