There are now many examples of historic towns and cities in which local heritage assets have been used to support regeneration. Other towns can adapt these experiences, whilst still retaining, and even enhancing, their own local distinct character.
Economic regeneration must be balanced with local distinctiveness and local trade. The event in Cardiff in May 2010 examined the role of retail development in economic regeneration and its impact on historic city centres.
View the speakers' presentations and conference report
Investment in the public realm really does pay dividends, but potential investors may still need persuasion and looking after the built heritage can be complex and expensive. Focus on the Public Realm offers guidance and examples of good practice.
The Forum's Annual Conference held in Newcastle in 2007 looked at 'Maximising the value of industrial heritage in historic towns' with examples of good practice in the restoration, regeneration and re-use of old buildings.
An earlier visit to Newcastle and Gateshead in June 2005 explored 'Using heritage and cultural assets in regeneration'.
'Investing in Heritage: Case Study Buxton' (2004), is a brief account of the experience of a small town's success in attracting funding and the delivery of projects on the ground. This was the outcome of an event held in Buxton in the summer of 2004.
These publications offer a range of guidance which can be tailored to the needs of HTF members, while we maintain a dialogue with Government departments and other policy making bodies to ensure that the value and the special needs of historic towns and cities are promoted.
HEART (Heritage Economic & Regeneration Trust) aims to provide a unique co-ordinating umbrella role for heritage management, development and promotion in Norwich and to become an international best practice model in heritage-led regeneration.
HEART Chief Executive Michael Loveday is also an HTF Executive Committee Member, should you wish to contact him about HEART or heritage issues, please email:[email protected]
Articles from HTF e-news and previous editions of NEWS which relate to this topic can be seen here