Benefits | Local Authority | Corporate | Civic | Associate | Commmunity, Town & Parish | Individual |
Networking opportunities | | | | | | |
Free publication downloads | | | | | | |
Election of representative to Exec Committee | | | | | | |
Voting rights at AGM | | | | | | |
Opportunity to host conferences and seminars | | | | | | |
Discount on conference and seminars fees | | | | | | |
Regular e-news | | | | | | |
Opportunity to contribute to e-news | | | | | | |
Discount on advertising in HTF's e-news | | | | | | |
Access to all guidance documents | | | | | | |
Access to all presentations and publications | | | | | | |
Access to online Members' Directory | | | | | | |
Discount on exhibition fees and mailshots | | | | | | |
Listing in online membership Directory | | | | | | |
Link to Member's website | | | | | | |
Involvement in research projects | | | | | | |
Discount on publications | | | | | | |
Use of HTF logo | | | | | | |
Criteria | Local Local Authorities, including Unitary, County, Borough, District and City Councils. Local
Authority | Commercial or professional organsiations which support the Forum's objectives. Corporate | Local civic or amenity societies in an active historic town. Civic | Local civic or amenity societies in an active historic town. Associate | | Individuals with an interest in historic towns and cities; eg: retired persons, students etc. Individual |
*Cost | Under 100k = £410 101k - 200k = £435 201k - 400k = £460 401k - 600k = £485 601k - 1000k = £515 1000k+ = £540 Dependent on pop'n: | | £60 | £275 | £100 | £50 |
*Members joining during the year will be charged a pro-rata fee. Membership fees renewable annually on 1 January. |
In addition to the categories above we also have Reciprocal Members and Honorary Members, by agreement with the HTF Director. |
Testimonials"Thank you for the excellent, excellent presentation last week, just superb, couldn’t have come at a better time, and with the information and encouragement you provided we will be able to move forward with confidence."
"Thanks again for a really outstanding day last week."
"Thank you once again for organizing and presenting last week's outstanding HTF Neighbourhood Planning event. We were all impressed by the excellence of the speakers and their presentations and the invaluable discussions, and the opportunity to continue these over such a lovely lunch together was much enjoyed bonus!’"
"It was a truly excellent day and you deserve high praise for putting it together. I learnt a lot and I am sure that Dorchester's NDP will be all the better for it."