
HTF conferences and seminars cover a broad range of topics addressing the latest issues that impact the historic environment. The events offer best practice guidance from experts and practitioners and a valuable opportunity to network with others working in the heart of our historic towns and cities.

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2017 events


Wednesday 13 September 2017, Kellogg College

Managing Contemporary and Historic Development and Design - Oxford

This fascinating two-part walking tour and seminar is an opportunity to visit developments built over the last 10 years around Oxford in their historic urban context, and discuss ways of balancing historic and contemporary design.

It will be useful to local authority officers and councillors with planning and design portfolios, conservation officers, developers, architects, urban designers and planners in private practice, town and parish councillors, and civic society members.

Speakers include:

  • Professor Steven Parissien, Director of Compton Verney Art Gallery and Park, who will also lead the walking tour
  • Michael Crofton-Briggs, Oxford City Council's former Head of City Development
  • Alan Berman, Panellist, Oxford Design Review Panel
  • Debbie Dance, Director, Oxford Preservation Trust
  • Christina Duckett, Principal Conservation Officer, Basingstoke and Deane Borough Council, and Director, Hankinson and Duckett

Please see the Programme at the end of this page, or here for more information. To book please visit:

Autumn 2017

Supporting Historic High Streets:  The Ingredients for Success in the 21st Century - Part 1

Spring 2018

Education-led Regeneration and Growth

Understanding Local Distinctiveness to inform new development - the challenge for new housing in town and country, in association with BOBMK

Supporting Historic High Streets:  The Ingredients for Success in the 21st Century - Part 2

Summer 2018

Under Pressure: The value of smaller settlements - form, function and setting, in association with The Urban Design Group

Cultural Buildings, Heritage and Community Action

See sponsorship opportunities

Presentations and reports from previous events, conferences and seminars

Historic Built Environment SeminarsOxford25 February Presentations
Local Authority Skills’ Summit – discussion forumLondon18 FebruaryPresentations
Heritage Tourism, Ruralism and Business in a Broadband AgePoundbury03 April
Annual Planning Legislation UpdateLondon1 May 
Neighbourhood Planning - how to do it with heritage
Annual Heritage Legislation Update
Oxford13 August

View presentations and reports from previous years' events here.

Discounts are available to Members attending HTVF events and wherever possible for HTVF supported events.

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"Thank you for the excellent, excellent presentation last week, just superb, couldn’t have come at a better time, and with the information and encouragement you provided we will be able to move forward with confidence."

"Thanks again for a really outstanding day last week."

"Thank you once again for organizing and presenting last week's outstanding HTF Neighbourhood Planning event. We were all impressed by the excellence of the speakers and their presentations and the invaluable discussions, and the opportunity to continue these over such a lovely lunch together was much enjoyed bonus!’"

"It was a truly excellent day and you deserve high praise for putting it together. I learnt a lot and I am sure that Dorchester's NDP will be all the better for it."